Congratulations letter from TU Ilmenau for the winners of Hard and Soft 2017

Dear colleagues and dear student winner team in Cluj Napoca,

On behalf of my rector – Professor Peter Scharff, who usually attends at
least the opening ceremony of hard and soft completion – I send you his
congratulation letter attached to this mail.

As I am always attending the competition from Wednesday on I want to
express my congratulation and respect to the performance of the whole
team as well.

Enjoy the summer and see you all again may be next year to the
anniversary (25 Years hard & soft) in Suceava again.

Congratulations again and kindest regards from Ilmenau in Germany

Frank March


Dr.- Ing. Dr. h. c. FRANK MARCH
Direktor TU Ilmenau International School
Geschäftsführer LEONARDO-Büro Thüringen

ERASMUS Hochschulkoordinator

Projektleiter GRIAT-Projekt – Deutsch-Russische Universität in Kazan